Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Baird's tapir answers - at last!

Aaagh! I am so late with the answers to the last quiz!

My excuses....the crazy end of semester report and exam marking took over and then suddenly it was the summer.....!

Here are the long-awaited answers to the Baird's Tapir:

1 How long has the tapir been around (on the Earth)?

35,000,000 years

2 For which country is it the official national animal and where is this country?

Belize. It is between Mexico and Guatamala.

3 What is its other name in the country above and what other animals is it actually related to?

Mountain Cow. It is actually related to the horse and rhinoceros.

4 How many toes does it have? How many on each foot?

 14 in total - 4 on each front foot and 3 on each rear foot.

5 How is its nose described and what is it perfect for?

Its nose is rubbery and flexible. It is perfect for eating leaves and aquatic vegetation.

6 What is the maximum it can weigh?

700 pounds (lbs)

7 What is happening to the population of tapirs and why?

Their numbers are dwindling and they are now endangered because their habitats are disappearing.

8 Why is it called Baird's Tapir? 

 It was discovered by a naturalist called Baird in 1843.

Normal service has been resumed! More new posts will be coming along regularly from now on.

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