Tuesday 26 February 2013

Answers to Recolonisation of Seabirds

Answers to Recolonisation of Seabirds

Here is the link to the original post: Recolonisation of Seabirds 

What sort of Puffin is the film about and what is the name of the island they are on? It is the Atlantic Puffin and they are on Easter Egg Rock

Name some of the other birds that are mentioned. Laughing Gulls; Black Guillemots; Common, Arctic and Roseate Terns.

What did the actions of people do to the colony of birds on the island by 1887 and 1936? Hunters searching for eggs, feathers and meat, caused Easter Egg Rock to lose all the Puffins by 1887 and wiped out the Tern population by 1936.

What techniques were used in the 1970s to attract birds back to the island? They used decoys and recordings of busy Tern colonies to attract birds back to the island.

What happened in 1980 and 1981? In 1980, Terns returned to nest there and in 1981, 5 pairs of Puffins nested on the island after a 100-year absence.

Describe the accommodation for the researchers. 
They live in tents, have a wooden hut for a toilet and a solar powered research centre, which they call the Easter Rock Hilton, that serves as a both a kitchen and a conference centre.

What purpose do the numbers on the boulders serve?
They identify the burrows where the Puffins pairs nest and raise their young.

What is said about the relationship that Puffins have with their "partner"?They are monogamous and can last up to 30 years.

What do we know about the Puffin's ability to fly? They fly both in the sky and the sea.
  How deep to Puffins go to catch fish? 200 feet

Name some of the fish they bring back for their young. Sand Lance, Hake and Herring

What is "Head Flipping" and "Billing"? Head Flipping is when they make an abrupt toss of the head accompanied by a grunting sound and Billing is a behaviour that reinforces pair bonds. They tap each other's bills as if they are doing"la bise"!

Where else can this type of restoration work be carried out? Anywhere where recolonisation of seabirds is required and people are dedicated to conservation.

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