Steampunk inspired |
Hey everyone!!
Prepare to enter the world of
I love this style and although maybe it's not something to turn up to work in, I find the concept so fascinating that I thought it would be a good one to do a listening/vocabulary exercise on as it fits into the category of Arts.
The video clip I have found has a wealth of fantastic vocabulary and different accents so it will really test your listening abilities - I hope you enjoy finding out about a subject that could be new to some of you too!
The video is in sections so if you want, you can listen to a section then answer the questions before moving on.......It is not the easiest video I have posted but I hope you enjoy the challenge!
Here is the link to the video clip:
Introduction and Steampunk Craft
to hit a tipping point - to reach a stage when things start to change and gather momentum
the mainstream - the accepted normal, dominant course or trend in society
contraptions - a mechanical device or invention that is unnecessarily complicated, strange or improvised
electrical Tesla power - Nikola Tesla lived from 1856 - 1943 and is considered to be one of the most important contributeurs to electrical inventions.
refurbish - to renovate anything that is worn out and in need of repair
repurpose - to give something a new use or purpose.
Questions for the Introduction and Steampunk Craft
How is the world of Steampunk described right now? It's g....................., it's h..... a t.................. p............, it's m............................
In what way is it not purely Victorian?
What different elements create the world of Steampunk?
What influence did the Industrial Revolution have?
What two kinds of power are combined in Steampunk?
What does the narrator (Joey aka Mr Grymm) like to do with antiques?
Steampunk Music
scrap metal - unused pieces of metal
French Horn, Bassoon and Contra-Bassoon - wind instruments
valves - a device that alters the flow of air, liquid or gas
tubing - a long, hollow, usually cylindrical object for conveying air, liquids or gases.
to fit the bill (idiom) - to be a perfect match
Questions for Steampunk Music
What inspired the narrator to start writing pieces of music about Steampunk?
What connections did he make with the instruments?
What is he aiming to do with this style of music?
Steampunk Theatre
an aesthetic - an artform
to drift - to tend to move in slow, unplanned way
the period - the era or point in time
sinister - evil and frightening
to be torn asunder - to be broken apart
Questions for Steampunk Theatre
Is Steampunk true to a particular period in time?
What does Steampunk give the performers?
Is the performance a happy one?
Can you say why there are two Alices?
Steampunk Haunted House
a nightmarescape - this is not really a word but it can be understood from "nightmare" and "landscape". A nightmare is a very bad dream and a landscape is a panoramic view or scene. So together, a "nightmarescape" must be a very bad, dreamlike scene.
"..have them dig it!" - get them to really like something and appreciate it
to resonate - to understand and empathise with
collusion - a bringing together
disparate - different, distinct kinds, dissimilar
contiguous - touching or in close proximity
Questions for Steampunk Haunted House
What is the aim of the "nightmarescape"?
Steampunk gave them the inspiration to do what? A lot of our work has to do with the c................ of d................... ................which might not otherwise be ............................ and putting ................ .................... to ....................... .................... .........................
Final section
What does Joey hope Steampunk will give artists and how does he view the future of Steampunk?
Finished? You did it all? You want more?!!!
Here are the answers to the questions above.
If this has got you interested to see more then here are some links to trailers to films that you could argue are Steampunk inspired, the first one being an old back and white movie!
The Fabulous World of Jules Verne
The final link is to a great, little short film made on a small budget over about 3.5 years. Go and get a coffee, put your feet up and enjoy it!
Bye for now!