Tuesday 5 March 2013

Answers to Aloysius Lilius and the Gregorian calendar.

 Here are the answers to the:

Where was Aloysius Lilius born and in what year? He was born in Italy in

approximately 1510.

What was his profession and what was the year? He was a professeur of Medicine at the University of Perugia in 1552.

When did he present his manuscript to the Vatican? In 1576

What happened in the same year? He died.

Why did this system become known as the Gregorian calendar and when was it introduced? It became known as the Gregorian calendar because it was introduced by Pope Gregory 8th in 1582.

What do calendars pre-date? They pre-date the written word.

What was the calendar called that was used before the introduction of the Gregorian calendar? It was the Julian calendar, named after Julius Caesar.

How inaccurate was the previous calendar and why was this a concern to the Church? It was supposed to correspond with the orbit of the sun but as time passed it was inaccurate by more than 10 days and this was important for the Church's important events such as Easter.

Describe how the Gregorian calendar works. It is a solar calendar of 365 days divided into 12 months with an extra day added on in a Leap Year to create a small adjustment for inaccuracies. 

On the American Dream scale, what score does Aloysius get and why? He scores 1 because he died before the Catholic church instituted his invention and as a result, he never reaped any benefits. 

Give the score for the Benefit to Humanity scale and the reason why. He gets a 5 here because the Gregorian calendar united the world under one, single understandable system

Finally, what score did he get for the Ripple Effect scale and why? On the Ripple Effect scale, he gets a 5 because today most of the modern world uses the Gregorian calendar.

I hope you did OK and see you soon - check out the hint on the original Aloysius link and see if you guess correctly!

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